SERGAS Diabetes

by Servizo Galego de Saúde



Sergas Diabetes is an application of the Galician Health Service (Sergas) that aims to facilitate the tasks of the diabetic patient in the self-control of the pathology. The most notable features of the application are as follows: — Patient management. Management of multiple patients by entering personal data only once. — Delegated access. Possibility to delegate the management of the app to a caregiver. — Register of biomeasures. Record the different values ​​relevant to the autoncotrol of the pathology. — Display of records. Visualization of the biomeasures recorded in configurable graphs that facilitate data compression for the patient. — Synchronization with devices. Synchronization of the app with glucometers that meet the continuous standard for the automated reading of biomeasures. — Notifications. Sending notifications to the patient based on the parameters and biomeasures registered in the app. — Integration with Sergas systems. Integration with different Sergas systems both to read and to dump information. — Association news. Access to the different publications of the websites of diabetic associations in Galicia. — Sites of interest. List of places that may be of interest to the patient depending on their location. — Gamification. Achievements system to encourage the use of the app. — Available in the Galician and Spanish languages.For its correct operation, the app requires the following permissions: — Geolocation: The application uses location services to be able to show the sites of interest in the users location. — Bluetooth: The application uses bluetooth to communicate with the glucometers. — Storage: Required to read/write application information to the device, this information is used as a data cache. — Camera: The application uses the camera permission to read barcodes of food products and identify glucose measuring devices.